Please use the form below to report an incident involving migrant deaths or disappearances. All fields marked with a red asterisk must be completed, as this is the minimum information needed to record an incident. Once completed, please click submit. Please fill a new form for each incident you wish to report. Before submitting data, it is highly recommended that you read the Missing Migrants Project methodology or the data collection guidelines, available from our Methodology page.
Please note that the International Organization for Migration (and its Missing Migrants Project) does not directly conduct tracing or searches for missing migrants. If you know someone who has gone missing while migrating, please refer to our “Resources for Families” page.
Estimated date of death. In cases where the exact date of death is not known, this variable indicates the date in which the body or bodies were found. In cases where data is drawn from surviving migrants, witnesses or other interviews, this variable is entered as the date of the death as reported by the interviewee.  At a minimum, the month and the year of death is recorded.
The age(s) of the deceased. An estimated age range may be recorded. If unknown, leave blank.
Name(s) of the deceased, in cases in which the identity is known. If unknown, leave blank.
Nationality(ies) of the deceased. If unknown, leave blank.